in august 2005
Born seven years ago, Sheena was a beautiful German Shepherd who died just recently. The hope and happiness of a puppy was dashed when Sheena ended up in the hands of an owner who failed to take care of her. Aside from neglecting her, Sheena’s owner decided to end her life in his old house, leaving no food and water for her “because she was already old”. When the Selangor Veterinary Services Department rescued her, she was found tied up, sleeping in her own faeces. Sheena had to be put to sleep, due to her malfunctioning organs caused by years of malnutrition.
Sheena's owner by the name of LIEN CHONG SAN,an engineer in Subang jaya got away freely for abusing poor Sheena for a mere RM 100 fine only! so tell me,is it fair? what the f*ck is wrong with this country's law to protect animals? Petition has been going all year around for heavier penalty but till now,nothing has been done .. This is just one example of animal cruelty in this country,there r thousands more that did not appear in the news..Animals are living beings too..they know pain,they know how to feel just like us..y are we treating them this way? So inhumane..! LIEN CHONG SAN!read this:: i hope ur life is miserable right now..i wish ur career corrupts,i wish ur family hates u,n i hope ur future generation suffers all bcoz of ur dumb act! If reincarnation exists,i hope u'll be reincarnate into an animal & suffer the same fate as Sheena.